About Us

The Vision for Alternative Development (VALD) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO) registered in Ghana in June 2006. VALD is established to promote alternative initiatives and to support development in all levels of society.                    

Regulatory recognitions:

  1. Certificate of Incorporation & Certificate to Commence Business from the Registrar-General’s Department (RGD) of the Ministry of Justice & Attorney General’s Department, Ghana
  2. License from the Non-Profit Organizations Secretariat (NPOS) of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MOGCSP), Ghana
  3. Certificate of Registration from the National Youth Authority (NYA) of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ghana
  4. Certificate of Registration from the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) of the Ministry of Local Government, Ghana


To promote alternative initiatives and support development in all levels of society through advocacy, capacity building, policy initiatives and media campaigns in Ghana


A healthy Ghana through health promotion and sustainable development


“To promote and support development in all levels of society”


  1. To advocate against the consumption and use of unhealthy commodities (tobacco, alcohol, etc) and illicit drugs and narcotic substances
  2. To advocate and support community participation in good governance and development
  3. To hold government, stakeholders and other organizations accountable on the protection of public health and the environment
  4. To build, strengthen capacities and sensitize stakeholders and the public on sustainable environmental practices and climate change issues
  5. To advocate for cultural diversity and peace building.